Itv0060 2013 arhiiv

Allikas: Lambda

Code: ITV0060
Link:,_formaliseerimine_ja_hoidmine or
Lecturer: Tanel Tammet
Contact:, 6203457, TTÜ AK223
Archives of previous years: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, [http:/ older].

N! See on kursuse arhiiv aastast 2013


Põhieksam esmaspäeval, 20. mail kell 12:00 ruumis X-413 (majanduse maja).


  • Kell 12:00 saab sealsamas esitada projekte.
  • Kell 13:30 algab eksam.

Järeleksam teisipäeval, 4. juunil kell 12:00 ruumis X-211B (majanduse maja).

  • Kell 12:00 saab sealsamas esitada projekte.
  • Kell 13:30 algab eksam.

Muutused loengukohas

Loengud toimuvad nüüd ja edaspidi uues IT majas Akadeemia 15, 4 korrus arvutiteaduse seminariruumis 411.

Time, place, result

Semester: spring
Grading: exam
Points: 3.5

Lectures: every Monday 16:00-17.30, room IT-140.
Practical work: Thursdays on odd weeks 16:00-17:30 room IT-213D, IT-213H.
Practical work will give 40% and exam 60% of points underlying the final grade.

Practical work

There are three labs. All labs have to be presented to the prof and all students present at labwork.

First lab 2013

The main goal is to select a domain and a task for the second lab. What to search, from where, etc. You should experiment with scraping, search and apis to find out what you can really get, in practice. The ideas, experiments and the final plan should be presented. Might be useful to have a look at:

Deadline: 21. February.

Second lab 2013

The main goal is to develop an app which scrapes/searches potentially uncertain data from the web and creates a representation of that data in a machine-processable form (json, csv, xml etc). You can scrape html pages, google, bing, wolfram alpha results and/or use any apis like twitter, google places, google plus etc. It is best to have a combination of these.

Deadline: end of March.

Third lab 2013

The main goal of the third lab is to develop a ruleset for generating new interesting facts from the data obtained from the second lab. The ruleset has to be encoded in a format suitable for some first-order based logical prover and then used with the prover to actually derive new facts.

Deadline: end of the spring semester.

ITV006 third lab 2013


Väikesed ülesanded: data ja reeglite esitamine ja kasutamine

Andmebaas nö tüüpilise relatsioonilise mudelina, key-value ja rdf kujul. Nende esituste omavahelise teisendamise oskus.

Ülesanne blocks worldist: esita mingi olukord, mingi reegel ja näita rakendamise tulemust. Hea oleks aru saada erinevatest võimalustest

RDF, RDFS ja OWL põhiasjad: väike ülesanne. Süntaksid ja eridetailid ei ole olulised.

RDF ja RDFS esitada loogikas faktide ja reeglitena.

Arusaamine RDFa põhiasjadest, oskus teha näidet. ??? Kallelt küsida.

Arusaam et mis on mittemonotoonne loogika ja mis ei ole, mis oleks viisid esitada vasturääkivaid teadmisi. Võib olla väike ülesanne mingite asjade esitamise kohta: näide ja selgitus. Default loogika ülesanne a la linnud ja Quaker diamond: panna kirja reeglid ja viia läbi järeldused ja vbl selgitada lisaks. Seos CWA, Prolog ja default loogika vahel võib samuti küsimuse alla tulla.

Arusaam fuzzy ja probabilistic logic erinevustest ja võimalikest rakenduskohtadest.

Indeksid: arusaam baasindekseerimis-ideedest ja B+ treest. Ntx ehitada B+ või hash indeks mingi väikese datahulga jaoks.


Declarative and procedural representations

Lecture materials:

Databases: meaning and representation of facts

Lecture materials:

NoSQL databases

Not for exam.

HTML annotations. RDFa, reading and using RDF data from web pages. Starting RDFs

For exam: no xml syntax necessary. Syntax unimportant, except for RDFa.

Lecture materials:

Understand main parts:

RDFs and owl OWL

Understand RDFS:

(for exam: you should understand the core principles of rdfs)

Lecture material:

Understand basics of owl:

(for exam: you should understand the core principles of owl, not the details below here)

Owl background: description logics

Start looking at interesting ontologies:

  • SUMO (not necessary for exam)

Rules in logic: apps in planning, robotics, ...

For exam: you should be able to encode a small blocks world planning example and solve it. The details below "see also" are not necessary, but the last example is useful.

Lecture material:

See also:

Logic for uncertain knowledge

For the exam: you should be able to create and solve small examples with default logic.

Fuzzy and probabilistic logic

For the exam: understand the differences between fuzzy and probabilistic logic and be able to present small examples.

Logic of belief and knowledge

For the exam: understand referential transparency and core ideas about encoding belief and knowledge. Modal logic not necessary for the exam.


You should be able to understand where to use what and solve small examples. Algorithms for updating B+ trees not necessary for exam.

Traditional database indexes incl B+ tree:

Bitmap indexes:

  • wiki. For exam: understand the core usage scenario of bitmap indexes.

Hash indexes:

  • wiki. Understand the core usage scenario and be able to create a small example.

Data extraction

Not necessary for the exam.

Web mining by Nell:

Restricted english jms

Not necessary for the exam.

Various rule/logic languages

Not necessary for the exam.

Several languages:

  • RDFS
  • OWL
  • KIF
  • CL
  • ontologies
  • wordnet
  • cyc
  • restricted english systems

See also: