Itv0030 2007

Allikas: Lambda

NB! Tegu on 2007 kevadsemestri arhiiviga: need ei ole tegelikult käimasoleva kursuse materjalid!

Course code: ITV0030
Link:õrgutehnoloogia_baasil or
Lecturer: Tanel Tammet
Contact:, 6203457, TTÜ AK223
Course materials from two years ago and last year are available as well.

Labs: Jaagup Irve
Contact:, TTÜ IT-232


Siit leiad itv0030 21 ja 28 mai kontrolltöö tulemused . Maksimumpunktid on 60, kontrolltöö punktid on 1/3 kursuse kogupunktidest, mille järgi lõpuks arvestatakse hinne.


21 mai: kontrolltöö, ruumis VII-226 kell 10.00

28 mai: järelkontrolltöö, ruumis VII-226 kell 10.00

Kontrolltöö sisu:

Time, place, result

Semester: spring
Grading: two labs plus one test (end of semester)
Credit points: 2.5

Lectures and seminars: every Monday at 17.00-18.30, room VII-226. Lecture, seminar, lecture, seminar, etc.
Lab: even weeks a 2*45 minutes, AK computer classes IT-213e:

  • Tuesdays at 10.00-11.30: IAPB42, IAPB43, IAPB44
  • Tuesdays at 16.00-17.30: IAPB41, IAPB47

FYI: even weeks start at: 5 Feb, 19 Feb etc

NB! 6. veebruari praktikumides juhendamist veel - tõenäoliselt - ei toimu: esialgu on soovitav teha baas-htmli abil valmis üleslaadimis/otsivormid ja tulemuste listi näiteleht, alustada võib staatilise css-i lisamisega. Esimene css ja javascripti loeng on 12. veebruaril, peale seda algab praktikumide juhendamine.


The goal of the course is studying/practicing ideas, methods and technology for building UI-s for web-based apps. We will focus on applications handling data, not marketing/information pages. Creating the actual app, database schema, security and authentication solutions etc etc are not in the scope of the course.

The three themes of the course (with roughly equal importance) are:

  • Nontechnical aspects of the UI design: usability, etc
  • Browser technologies: html, css, javascript
  • Server technologies: xml, xslt

We assume familiarity with html and basic server-side functionality: i.e. competence to create simple web apps.


There will be two labs with the itv0030 2007 lab common theme:

  • First lab: building the functioning prototype/fake UI using static files for the app.
  • Second lab: actually building the app, using web services provided by the lecturer and the UI prototype you built before.

Labwork may be done alone or in pairs. Groups of three, etc are not allowed. Each lab will be graded, and the grade will be worth 1/3 of the final grade. In order to succeed at the course, both labs plus the final test must be presented/passed. Lab presentations after the deadline will be worth 1/2 of the grade it would receive otherwise. All lab results must be presented on site during regular lab hours, both authors must be present. Email submissions are not accepted.


1. Introductory lecture
29. January. Introduction to the course, few specific example questions: splitting and navigation of long lists.
2. Labwork seminar
5. February. Basic UI issues. Selection/introduction of labwork.
Obligatory materials to read:
3. Second lecture
12. February. Starting with CSS and javascript.
4. Seminar
19. February. Basic UI components and choices. Examples from apps.
5. Third lecture
Javascript, dom, css continues.
6. Seminar
We'll investigate sites and demos using CSS and Javascript.
7. Fourth lecture
xmlhttprequest and friends.
vaata ajxi demo ja ilma xmlhttprequestita analoogi: Media:Autofill_example_bus.html
loe ibm-i ajaxi tutoriali
vaata: lihtne ajaxi näide ja ajaxi näite jaoks sobiv sisend-cgi kust datat lugeda
8. Seminar
We'll investigate sites and demos using xmlhttprequest extensively.
9. Lecture
this and the following lectures will focus on server-side, xml, xslt, json, rest etc.

Initialobligatory reading on UI design principles

May be extended later.

Useful reading

Will be extended/changed during course.

Browser UI design principles

Core browser tech (html,css,javascript)

Tips, tricks and cool stuff

Will be extended/changed during course.