Allikas: Lambda
{ This program defines several subroutines. It does not produce any picture when it is run. After it is run, use the command "testTree" in the xTurtle applet's text-input box. } SUB Tree(size, complexity) { This recursive subroutine (from Figure 7.8 of "The Most Complex Machine") draws a binary tree. The height of the tree is given, approximately, by the parameter "size"; the number of levels of branching is given by the parameter "complexity." After the tree is drawn, the turtle is left at its original position and heading. } IF complexity = 0 THEN forward(size) back(size) ELSE forward(size/2) turn(45) Tree(size/2, complexity - 1) turn(-90) Tree(size/2, complexity - 1) turn(45) back(size/2) END IF END SUB SUB TestTree { This subroutine can be called to draw sample trees. The user is asked to specify the complexity. } DECLARE complexity AskUser("What level of complexity do you want (0 to 12)?", complexity) { Adjust the complexity to a reasonable value. } complexity := trunc(complexity) IF complexity < 0 THEN complexity := 0 TellUser("Using complexity = 0.") END IF IF complexity > 12 THEN complexity := 12 TellUser("Using complexity = 12.") END IF penUp { Move to starting position. } MoveTo(0,-9) penDown face(90) clear Tree(18,complexity) { Draw the tree. } END SUB