Otteri rdf näitefail
Allikas: Lambda
% this is the way comments start set(hyper_res). % another alternative is set(binary_res) set(factor). % probably comes automatically set(print_kept). % this will print out ALL derived and kept stuff formula_list(sos). % use list(sos) if not formula syntax rdf(s1,amet,koristaja). rdf(s1,telefon,123). rdf(s2,amet,valvur). rdf(s2,telefon,345). rdf(s3,pealkiri,eriuudis). rdf(s3,link,www_epl_ee). % following three rows are not formula syntax: x,y,z,u,v,w are vars % -rdf(x,amet,z) | % -rdf(x,telefon,u) | % rdf(x,tyyp,tootaja). % this is formula syntax all x all z all u ( rdf(x,amet,z) & rdf(x,telefon,u) -> rdf(x,tyyp,tootaja) ). % and there is no query! try giving -rdf(s1,tyyp,tootaja) as query. % useful for query: say that s1 is not s2 % s1!=s2. % query example: look for all guys not s2 % all x (rdf(x,tyyp,tootaja) & % x!=s2 % -> % $answer(x)). end_of_list.