
Allikas: Lambda


Lab due date - 18 December

Small teams up to 3 people

Install Cuckoo Sandbox and demonstrate it working (analyze an malware on it). You have to demonstrate your Cuckoo in PERSON.

Read the instructsions and install accordingly.

Lab 3 (2/3)

Recommended setup :

  • Install Cuckoo sandbox inside a Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit (virtual if you dont have native Ubuntu)
  • Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit Desktop Edition
  • + 2GB of Memory (MINIMAL)
  • + 15GB of HDD (MINIMAL)
  • (install virtualbox guest addi=ons to the Ubuntu bot to make your life easier)
  • Install Cuckoo according to the guide (h]p:// en/latest/installa=on/)
  • Install Virtualbox inside the Ubuntu 12.04 machine and install trial version of 32 bit Windows 7 . You can get trial version of Windows 7 either from h]ps:// wizard.aspx?wizid=05ada55f-c391-4247- ab2e-459b0feceaff&lcid=1033&ci=393 (you need to create an account at MicrosoS for that) or I can provide you with the premade image.
  • Windows 7 virtual machine (that is INSIDE the Ubuntu 12.04 virtual machine) should have at least 8.5 GB of disk space and 1GB of memory allocated to it

AS you are all done with installation come to me (Allan Vein) and demonstrate how to analyze an malware with Cuckoo (you can get the malware from previous labs) and answer some questions about your installation.

Alternative guide: