
Allikas: Lambda


Additional Reading + presentations!

[ Presentation1]


Write an incident report.

Intsident report template Turvaintsidendi_raporti_vorm_eng.doc

Baseline for incidnet reporting

  • 3 different computers are infected with malware you choose in lab 4

(you can choose which computer is infected with witch malware.)

  • computers are located in different network segments
  • Company uses 2 different antivirus products Forefront and Bitdefender (brought with computers)
  • Company network layout
  • Network consist clients with OS windows xp sp3 , windows 7 sp 1 , windows 7.


  • 3.oct.2013 17:00 User Tädi maali notice that her computer with win xp behaved in unusual way
  • 3.oct.2013 18:30 User Onu jüri mentioned to passing administrator that antivirus warned him about file he downloaded to his Win 7 machine.
  • you should describe future time line as you imagine it.