Kasutajaliidesed lectures 2005 common theme

Allikas: Lambda

Site idea: party information

The goal of the site is to help organising parties and providing people with comments, stories and pictures about parties past. Create the interface either in Estonian or English.

Anybody can post information about an upcoming (or passed) party. After that, other people can add information about the party. A party may be either

  • public (everybody is free to see all the information, add comments/stories/pictures)
  • or private (information is sent out via email, only the email receivers will be able to see/post information).

There will be no real authentication. Where login is neccessary, people should login in using a randomly assigned code (acts as a user id and password combo) which is passed as an ordinary cgi parameter code=... People will receive the code via email as a clicakble link already containing the correct cgi parameter assigned to them. Hence, no need to remember/know user id-s or passwords. Invited people will be invited via email.


The underlying schema will contain these main tables plus a few more:

  • Party. The main table. Will have at least the following fields, of which only the name is obligatory, poster and posting datetime are automatic:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Organiser (person known to organise party)
    • Date
    • Time
    • Duration (hours)
    • Location (just text)
    • Xcoordinate (to show on the map)
    • Ycoordinate (to show on the map)
    • Type (what kind of a party)
    • Poster (person publishing information)
    • Postingdatetime
  • Note. This is attached to the party. Will have at least the following fields, of which the poster and posting datetime are automatic):
    • Partyid
    • Notetext
    • Notecategory
    • Poster (person publishing information)
    • Postingdatetime
    • Picturefile (if uploaded)
  • Person. People are not really identified, hence contains very little information, at least the following fields:
    • Logincode
    • Email
    • Lastlogindatetime

NB! You are free to add any fields you like to these tables.