KR 2025 homework part 1

Allikas: Lambda

You will have to write a small program to convert/filter data to a suitable format for experimenting with a logical reasoner, and then write ca 10 nontrivial rules for answering questions. Add some facts using LLM.

Finally, experiment with the reasoner on this data + rules and make a small presentation of your data, rules, successes and failures.

The presentation does not have to be made with special slides and a long writeup (although this is also OK). You are expected to show the data, rules and results and briefly explain your ideas, experiments and the work process. Just using an editor for showing this stuff is OK. Best if you can also make a small demo with the reasoner actually running and proving some of the queries.

Not everything you try out needs to work: some failures are also interesting.

We award a few extra points for adventurous people adding extra data into the fray; see the last section about optional stuff.


Riina took the large datasets from and prepared relatively small selections (all about something Estonian) from this data. The link to the files is here. The data is presented as plain triplets, no fancy encoding (except namespaces) is involved.

This set of files also contains an estonian_taxonomy.txt file, which is a subset of yago-taxonomy.txt. Using some parts of estonian_taxonomy.txt file might help to write more complex rules.

Suggested topics are tourism and entertainment/culture. But you can choose any other topic.

First, please download the files and explore them a bit. Then convert the files to the format our reasoner gk (or its web version can eat. Write a program for this! Trying to just replace/filter stuff using an editor will become very cumbersome soon.

For example, the triplet

   yago:Lake_Peipsi	rdf:type	yago:Lake

can be converted to


or with the quotation marks


Notice that I have not bothered to replace the abbreviations of namespaces like yago, rdf etc with full names and the abbreviations make the symbols unique enough for our purposes.

The predicate triple is really arbitrary: you may use any name you like. You may also use the fourth argument for type, if you wish (like "string"/"integer"/"id", in case it helps). Importantly, there are subtle differences between writing constants like yago:Lake_Peipsi with or without quotation marks:

  • Without quotation the reasoner does not assume that two different constants necessarily mean different objects. Saying yago:Lake_Peipsi = yago:Lake_Peipus does not lead to a contradiction. Also, non-ascii symbols are generally not ok for non-quoted constants.
  • Quotation marks make the reasoner to treat constants as strings, and thus "yago:Lake_Peipsi" = "yago:Lake_Peipus" is a contradiction. Also, non-ascii symbols are OK.

Observe that the datasets contain a huge amount of labels (i.e. human names) and comments in different languages, like

 yago:Tartu      rdfs:label      "Tartu"@sh      .
 yago:Tartu      rdfs:label      "Tartu"@lfn     .
 yago:Tartu      rdfs:label      "Tartu"@es      .
 yago:Tartu      schema:alternateName    "Tartu"@ko      .
 yago:Tartu      schema:alternateName    "Tartu"@mhr     .
 yago:Tartu      schema:alternateName    "Jurjev"@cs     .
 yago:Tartu_Art_House	rdfs:comment	"museum di Estonia"@id	.
 yago:Tartu_Art_House	rdfs:comment	"Museum in Estland"@de	.

You may safely remove all the comments and most (or all) names, except these which you really use in your questions and rules, if any. For example, you may want to keep just one rdfs:label for an object, without indicating a language (the @-stuff) at all.

LLM generated data

Ideas for adding additional facts sightseeing objects, what is close to what etc for tourism and facts about actors or musicians etc for entertainment/culture.

You can either ask for facts formatted in RDF triples and convert them into logic. Or you can ask facts in logic. Experiment what works best!

You can use any LLM chat or API. For API usage there are some almost free options.

  • you can try API for free (150.00€/month limit), in exchange your API requests may be used to improve their services.
  • that allows you to use open source LLMs for a small fee. Two of their models are available for free: Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct-Turbo-Free and DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Llama-70B-free. They used to have 25$ credit for new users, but this might not be the case anymore.
  • makes it easy to run free models on local computer. Smaller models run even without GPU.

Rules and questions

The best way to try out rules and questions is to use for quick experiments along with small selections of data. For example, try

 triple(X,Y,"yago:Lake") => $ans(X).

and you should get a single answer along with the trivial proof. To get more answers, click the "Advanced" button and copy { "max_answers": 2} into the strategy box. Beware that in case you ask for more answers than there really are, the reasoner may just keeping looking for more, eventually timeouting, and not giving any answers at all.

Now let us try out something simple, but not totally trivial:

 triple(yago:Jaan_Lepp,	schema:birthPlace,      yago:Anija_Parish).
 triple(yago:August_Vaga,	schema:birthPlace,	yago:Kehra).
 triple(yago:Silvi_Vrait,	schema:birthPlace,	yago:Kehra).
 triple(yago:Karmen_Pedaru,	schema:birthPlace,	yago:Kehra).
 triple(X,schema:birthPlace,Z) => bornin(X,K).
 bornin(X,Z) & bornin(Y,Z) => borninsameplace(X,Y).
 borninsameplace(X,Y) & -$substr(X,Y) & -$substr(Y,X)  => $ans(X,Y).

Put, say { "max_answers": 3} to the strategy box, to get more answers than one.

Here we took a small selection of data from one of the files and added a few rules. Notice the trick with the special builtin predicate $substr(K,Z): it treats the argument constants as strings and checks whether the first one is a substring of the second one. Thus the -$substr(X,Y) & -$substr(Y,X) simply eliminates equal constants to avoid answers like $ans('yago:August_Vaga','yago:August_Vaga').. Alternatively, if we had used the quotation marks around person id-s, we could have used the rule

 borninsameplace(X,Y) & X!=Y => $ans(X,Y).


Next, a slightly more interesting example (use { "max_answers": 6} or less):

 triple("yago:Lake_Peipus","rdf:type",	"yago:Lake").
 triple("yago:Väike_Emajõgi", "yago:flowsInto", "yago:Võrtsjärv").
 triple("yago:Tänassilma_River", "yago:flowsInto", "yago:Võrtsjärv").
 triple("yago:Tarvastu_River", "yago:flowsInto", "yago:Võrtsjärv").
 triple("yago:Võrtsjärv", "yago:flowsInto", "yago:Emajõgi").
 triple("yago:Õhne", "yago:flowsInto", "yago:Võrtsjärv").
 triple("yago:Emajõgi", "yago:flowsInto", "yago:Lake_Peipus").
 triple(X,"yago:flowsInto",Y) => boattravel(X,Y).
 triple(X,"yago:flowsInto",Y) => boattravel(Y,X).
 boattravel(X,Y) & boattravel(Y,Z) => boattravel(X,Z).
 triple(X,"rdf:type","yago:Lake") & triple(Z,"rdf:type","yago:Lake") & boattravel(X,Y) & boattravel(Y,Z) & X!=Z => laketolake(X,Z).
 laketolake(X,Y) => $ans(X,Y).

Interestingly, the Yago dataset uses two different id-s for Peipsi: yago:Lake_Peipus and yago:Lake_Peipsi with several additional triplets indicating equality of these id-s to some other id-s, but not to each other! The related datasets for these id-s are also different. Conceptually, this is an errorish thingy in Yago.

 yago:Lake_Peipsi	rdf:type	yago:Lake
 yago:Lake_Peipsi	owl:sameAs	wd:Q2627792
 yago:Lake_Peipsi	schema:sameAs	"/g/1217z1dh"
 yago:Lake_Peipus	rdf:type	yago:Lake
 yago:Lake_Peipus	owl:sameAs	wd:Q19253
 yago:Lake_Peipus	schema:sameAs	"/m/021yh2"

Ideas for writing your own rules

The main recommendation is thinking what nontrivial things we could ask from the dataset and then looking whether it actually contains sufficient data for this. If you have an idea, try it out with small examples first.

Try to combine different rules requiring the generation of longer nontrivial proofs for answers.

Some ideas, including somewhat crazy ones:

  • Categorizing objects into larger categories, using the transivity of rdf:type (you have to write your own rule for the transitivity).
  • What city/town/lake/island is inside what, according to located-in-estonia.txt. What can you derive from this, say, using transitivity of inside?
  • Who was born where and how could they potentially travel with the boat to a place another person was born :)
  • Finding data from people-in-estonia.txt for persons active in created-in-estonia.txt. Finding people born nearby active in the same movies. Etc.
  • Convert birth dates like yago:Endel_Ruberg schema:birthDate "1917-05-21T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime to simple integers and use the built-in arithmetic of th e reasoner (see "About" -> "Special symbols and additional constructions" in logictools) to filter out suitable people. Who is surely not alive any more? Who are roughly of the same age and have something more in common?
  • Converting triplets in the dataset triple(a,b,c) where the first and second argument should conceptually strictly determine the third (like when c is a birthdate) to equalities like b(a)=c instead and then using terms and equalities in your rules for such cases.
  • Generating trips with actual paths shown in answers: you will need function term arguments in your predicates for this, see the example from the first lecture:
 railroad(X,Y) => railroad(Y,X).
 highway(X,Y) => highway(Y,X).
 sealane(X,Y) => sealane(Y,X).
 railroad(X,Y) => easytravel(X,Y,use(train,X,Y)).
 highway(X,Y) => easytravel(X,Y,use(bus,X,Y)).
 sealane(X,Y) => easytravel(X,Y,use(ship,X,Y)).
 easytravel(X,Y,P1) & easytravel(Y,Z,P2) => easytravel(X,Z,combine(P1,P2)).
 easytravel(tartu,X,Y) & spacity(X) => $ans(X,Y).

Using large datasets: logictools vs command line reasoner gkc

Logictools is unable to eat very large datasets and the options to control it are limited. Also, experimenting only on the web may be cumbersome.

Thus I'd recommend to download the full-powered version of the reasoner used in logictools from : it is best to use the somewhat older release which has the same codebase as logictools. Just take the provided windows, linux or macos binary: no need to compile yourself.

A rather thorough tutorial of gkc with examples is here:

Optional: additional datasets

In case you are adventurous, try to use additional datasets and combine these with the ones provided by Riina! For example, the Yago stuff contains triplets like

 yago:Lake_Peipsi	owl:sameAs	wd:Q2627792 

with the "wd:" defined above as "", thus leading to pages like . Now, looking at the source of this page, you find rows like <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/n-triples"> with the link leading to a large set of triplets related to Lake Peipsi! Most of these represent some specific complex encodings of this wikidata web page itself, but several are actually about Peipsi.

A list of well-known and used large "generic" fact and knowledge bases can be found in . You may want to have a look at these, but beware: obviously it takes time to understand and process. Another cool source is kaggle.