Fiksitud php kood id-kaardi juhendist

Allikas: Lambda

Id-kaardi info välja parsimiseks kasuta alltoodud muutustega varianti id-kaardi juhendist: kaldkriipsude asemel väljade vahel koma , ja väljade järjestus ka hoopis teine.

php installimiseks ütle eelnevalt

sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt

Muudetud php parser siis:

header ("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
// Get user information obtained by Apache from the Estonian ID card.
// Return list [last_name,first_name,person_code] or False if fails. 

function get_user () {
  // get relevant environment vars set by Apache
  // SSL_CLIENT_S_DN example:
  //  /C=EE/O=ESTEID/OU=authentication/CN=SMITH,JOHN,37504170511/
  //  SN=SMITH/GN=JOHN/serialNumber=37504170511
  //echo $ident;
  //echo $verify;
  //echo "<p>";
  //return True;
  // check and parse the values
  if (!$ident || $verify!="SUCCESS") return False;
  $ident=certstr2utf8($ident); // old cards use UCS-2, new cards use UTF-8
  //if (strpos($ident,"/C=EE/O=ESTEID")!=0 && ) return False;
  if (!$ps || !$pg) return False;
  return $res;

// Convert names from UCS-2/UTF-16 to UTF-8.
// Function taken from

function certstr2utf8 ($str) {
  $str = preg_replace ("/\\\\x([0-9ABCDEF]{1,2})/e", "chr(hexdec('\\1'))", $str);       
  $encoding=mb_detect_encoding($str,"ASCII, UCS2, UTF8");
  if ($encoding=="ASCII") {
    $result=mb_convert_encoding($str, "UTF-8", "ASCII");
  } else {
    if (substr_count($str,chr(0))>0) {
      $result=mb_convert_encoding($str, "UTF-8", "UCS2");
    } else {
  return $result;

//  Actual script to run

if (!$user) echo ("Authentication failed.");
else {
  echo "Last name: " . $user[0] . "<br>";
  echo "First name: " . $user[1] . "<br>";
  echo "Person code: " . $user[2] . "<br>";
